Monday, May 17, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie Fanatic

When I lived in Atlanta there was this great little restaurant, the OK Cafe. There was nothing "OK" about was far beyond "OK!" I think our friends regretted ever introducing us to the place, because I truly could have eaten there multiple times a week.  They began to roll their eyes when OK Cafe was ALWAYS suggested as the place to eat. Anyhow, it was one of those places where "macaroni" was considered a vegetable (like it should be). They had collard greens, squash souffle, triple cheese macaroni, black-eyed peas, and they even had pot likker! I'm telling you, it was heaven on earth to anyone raised in the South. My favorite thing, however, was their chicken pot pie. Oh my! That chicken pot pie was to die for. It was served with a flaky pastry topping with "OK" stamped on it. Just thinking about it makes my taste buds water. After we moved to Jacksonville,  I was always on the lookout for a good chicken pot pie like OK Cafe's. When I would land at a restaurant that served it, I would try it so expectantly, only to be let down again and again. Why oh why must people ruin my favorite comfort food with some special herb???? I just want plain chicken pot pie! You know, the kind with a creamy sauce filled with chicken, peas, carrots, and potatoes. I don't want rosemary or some other flavor tainting it. Don't get me wrong, I love rosemary, just not in the chicken pot pie. Well, last week I went to lunch with a friend and there it was, perfectly creamy, unadulterated chicken pot pie! I was so excited. As I finished up lunch I realized that the lunch portion really didn't cut it. My friend and I left, devised a scheme and called our husbands later that afternoon with the ever so tempting, "Hey honey, you want to meet me at such and such for supper tonight?" Yep, you guessed it. We went again for supper, and I had the full portion of chicken pot pie. I didn't even feel ashamed that our lunch waiter was still there and laughing at us. Now you may think that chicken pot pie twice in one day would sufficiently cure my longing, but today the craving resurfaced out of nowhere. I began to hard could chicken pot pie really be to make? After a quick little computer search I had what seemed to be a yummy looking pot pie recipe, and tonight, we sat down and ate homemade chicken pot pie for the first time, and I'm excited to say that it was actually good. Wish you could have been here to join us. One more meal for the meal menus!

1 comment:

  1. You are SO FUNNY! I can't believe you went back for DINNER!!! I love it. I also can't believe you never tried to make it yourself. I have a good recipe but I have bad memories of frozen (shudder) pot pies of my childhood so the pastry crust is a big turn-off for me. My recipe has a mashed potato "crust" on top and it's great. I know, potatoes are not pastry and thus sacrelige to the great South, but I seriously have issues with pot pie.
